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This Best Seller Reveals What To Do… and What NOT To Do… if You Want Open, Honest, and Intimate Communication...




• You are tired of small disagreements blowing
up into big fights


• You still love each other but hate the way you deal with conflicts


• You want to bring back love, trust, and intimacy


• You want less pain and more passion in your relationship

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“Get the book and study it. Understanding and avoiding the 5 hurtful mistakes Paul points out in this book will help you prevent many of your upsets and arguments and bring back open and honest communication to your relationship.” —Scott Catamas, founder, Love Coach Academy




First about the book… then the bonuses (and I tell you why I am giving away $97 worth of bonuses when you are buying a book that cost less than $10 dollars – good question).

To make sure you are in the right place, let me ask you a few questions:

  • Are you tired of little issues blowing up into big fights

  • Do you still love your partner but hate the way you handle upsets, misunderstandings, and arguments?

  • Are you confused by what triggers your partner and can turn a casual conversation into big-ass, drawn-out, painful upset?

  • Do you ever wonder why the person you love the most is often the most difficult to talk to?


Did you answer yes to one or more? 

Or… were you more like I was years ago, and said yes to all of them. If so, then this book and these bonuses may be just what you are looking for…



• Want open and honest communication to soar in your relationship? It happens almost automatically when you eliminate Destructive Habit #1 (jump to page #17). 


• Discover the communication secret every pizza place knows that will radically reduce the number of misunderstandings you have when you apply it at home. (this secret is revealed in chapter #4) 


• Ready for more intimacy and understanding? Put an end to Destructive Habit #5 (the Fatal F’s) and watch communication rush back in… (starts on page 83). 


• Warning: don’t make the BSW mistake described on page #17. It stops any chance of intimacy or open, honest communication. 


• Has your communication gotten stuck in a downward spiral, does it feel like relationship rut where the more you talk about something, the worse it gets? Want to know why… read chapter #6 several times. 


• Discover what causes you… or your partner… to take things personally and what to do about it. (revealed in chapter #3) 


• Working really hard – but not making any headway in your relationship? Check out the story starting on page 13. 


• You may want to cut out the Argument Prevention Cheat Sheets - Summary Pages 111 – 116, but luckily you don’t have to – there is a special bonus color PDF for your fridge. 


Okay, there is more, but if you are still reading, you must know that one of the most important foundations of a great relationship is great communication. 


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